Friday, 29 August 2008
Pebble alphabet

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Love the kitchen-themed teatowels, also available as aprons.

So even if most of us can't manage a visit to the scenic and remote Orkneys, thanks to the internet, all this loveliness and more is available to you right here.
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Report from NYC: Panteek Prints

And it's not just botanical prints - there are shells, fish, birds and just about every natural form of life.

The seaweed prints above are some of my favorite. They were made by James Sowerby, who was well known for the elegant simplicity of his prints.
The range of stuff on Panteek's website is almost encyclopedic. There are architectural prints, Art Deco prints from fashion journals, and vivid silkscreens of people in traditional folk dress.
Also pretty remarkable is the wealth of information I got from Sue, who answered the 1-888-PANTEEK number listed on their site. The internet may have brought their collection of prints to the world, but there's still a human voice on the other end of that line.
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Casamento - new website

Monday, 25 August 2008

Thursday, 21 August 2008
Guest blog: West German Ceramics
We're thrilled to welcome to Elle Deco's guest spot today, Adelle and Justin from vintage online store, H is for Home. They've written a fabulous post for us about a growing trend in the vintage market, and one of their passions.
After a period of time being generally 'out of fashion' these amazing ceramics are being appreciated once more for their style and eccentricity. They are now regularly seen gracing the pages of design and interior magazines.
The range of colours, shapes, textures and sizes is mind-boggling!
Some pieces are hand-thrown, others are mass-produced, stock shapes. However, as with the Poole 'Delphis' Pottery range, even these stock shapes can be transformed by the textures and the individual glazes in every colour imaginable. Pieces range in size from a mere three inches to well over twenty inches tall for the larger floor vases.
Impressed 'thumbnail' detailing
No rules with colour combinations!
A number of factories produced these characteristic ceramics - Baykeramik, Carstens, Dumler & Breiden, Jopeko, Roth, Ruscha and Scheurich to name but a few. Much has still to be learned about which company produced what. Some factories produced pieces with distinctive base markings such as the crossed swords of Dumler & Breiden, however the majority of pieces simply have serial number markings (often accompanied by 'German' or 'W. Germany'). You may be lucky enough to find a piece with the original paper label, otherwise you're in for a bit of detective work.
In fact, the book was written to accompany an exhibition of German pottery from this period held at King's Lynn Arts Centre in 2006.
Another breathtaking fat lava exhibition that recently took place was of Marieke van Diemen's collection at Boymans van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam.
Other places to find out more are GinFor's Odditiques, Outernational, fat-lava.com and An Seta Pottery.
If you need any help in identifying pieces that you find, try the nice and very knowledgeable folks at 20th Century Pottery Art & Collectibles.
The pots work well displayed in groups of either similar or contrasting colours. The larger floor vases look great as stand-alone pieces.
Our particular favourites are the fiery oranges and reds, particularly ones with the bubbling lava glazes. We've built up quite a collection, but good examples are getting harder to find and prices are rising steadily.
Trio of small, red and brown West German vases, 4-6 inches tall
Trio of incised vases - classic 50s shapes
Blue vase with original Scheurich paper label
Huge floor vases
Provides striking accent colours
We hope you've enjoyed looking at some of our collection. Have a look at the West German Pottery Collectors group on Flickr to see some more examples from us and other members. If this blog has inspired you to start your own collection, then happy hunting!
Le Train Fantôme at Bloesem

Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Report from NYC: P.F.1 at P.S.1
It's been a while since I shimmied over to the museum's Saturday parties, held in its courtyard outside, but I have been reading about this year's installation in the Young Architect's Program by WORK Architecture Company and have decided I must pay a visit.