Thursday, 31 July 2008

Mitsuru Koga

These tiny scuptures made from beach pebbles by Mitsuru Koga leave me speechless, so I'll leave it up to the artist to talk about them:
As the way the waves abrade stones I scrape them with careful attention.
(Rubbing with the sandblast or on the sand and stone, etc)
I add special care to natural objects with the hope that the artificial process counterpoints the naturalness more.
Vice versa the process seems to me to search for the position of human beings in nature.
By the person's existance nature comes out, and as the person's existance comes out naturally.
It is always continuous discovery and surprise.
I wish to create an intermediate bridge between nature and human beings.
-Mitsuru Koga


Anairam said...

These are beautiful. How does he make the holes for the little vases though?

natsumi said...

I love these small objects. The colors and shapes are fabulous!