South Africa.
Haldane Martin's newest couch came straight from the Joburg Art Fair to Open Lab 2.0. Respect. To be honest, I would recommend the people from Design Quarter to buy this couch, as it works perfectly in that architectural surrounding.
Urban forest is a light installation aiming to bring back nature into our cities, or at least respect for nature. This is a concept that I wanted to show in a commercial environment like Design Quarter.
Urban Forest consists of objects shaped like irregular tree trunks, made from recycled plastic. It criticizes our consumption attitude, using waste to start reflecting on our human behaviour. The built-in LED lights can change colour depending the atmosphere, the soundscapes, the seasons or other emotions linked to the location of the forest or the reason for gathering. The forest therefore can be silent and contemplative, or assertive and loud.
Sit 'n Read (Peter Van Riet for Juventa)
Read more about this design for Juventa in Peter's labfile on Addictlab. In the version I had shipped over, the seatcovers were designed by Tord Boontje.
And of course, we try to blur disciplines: I'm proud to have shown real life models wearing Clive Rundle & Amanda Laird Cherry's newest collection.
* If there are any South African schools interested in this kind of workshop, just drop me a mail at jan@addictlab.com . The results are stunning, now and then.